VivaTech Technologies Paris > 13-17 juin June

France , Innovation , Israel , Leadership , Networking , Strategy

> Je recommande aux Français, Leaders de l'Innovation de rejoindre les Clubs d'affaires dans lesquels je suis engagé : l'IE-Club, Hi-Team et La Fabrique du Futur.
> I recommend to the International Leaders in Innovation to join a Business Club in which I am member of the ExCom: IE-Club!
Contact FR EN.


J’aurai plaisir à revoir des Leaders des Technologies et de l’Ecosystème de l’Innovation dans les grandes entreprises, les institutions et, bien sûr, les Startups de la French Tech !

Comment puis-je t’aider ?


SPECIAL RoadShow with Yossi Dan bringing to France Israeli Startups and Investors.

The program begins with a special event on Tuesday 13 June with the cooperation of the France’s Embassy of Israel, at ESCP Business Schhol inside Paris.

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If you are coming to Paris, France, for this event, I can help you optimize your results, in Business, Investment…

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